June, 2021: La Loma de Nopalera Adobe: A Historic Treasure of San Luis Obispo
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Together with “Friends of La Loma Adobe,” the History Center presents our Spring 2021 Carnegie Lecture, with three of the “Friends” who work to preserve the La Loma Adobe. Our Friday late-afternoon lecture kicks off a weekend of hosted site visits at the Adobe in its historic setting near the City’s Reservoir Canyon Natural Reserve. Spanish settlers may have set the first bricks for the Adobe around 1782, making it perhaps the oldest residence in SLO. For the latter half of the 19th Century, it was a prominent home in town, occupied by the eminent Don Jose Maria Muñoz and Doña Maria Concepcion Boronda and their nine children. Attend the virtual Carnegie lecture Friday, June 4 with specialists Dr. Robert Hoover and Robert Vessely, PE, as well as president Robert Jorgensen of the “Friends of La Loma Adobe.” Visit the La Loma Adobe (1590 Lizzie St) 12 noon to 3pm, Reservoir Canyon, and the trail that links them with on-site hosts Saturday and Sunday afternoons, June 5 and 6. Friday, June 4, 2021 5:30 pm Taking place online via Zoom Click here to register (We have solved the technology issues of last time, we look forward to having a large group join us on Zoom) |
Every quarter, on the first Friday of the month in which the season changes, we host our Carnegie Lecture. Please keep an eye on this space to learn what the next topic will be. If you want to watch one of our previous lectures, please select one below.
September, 2020 - Dr. Leola Macmilland and Geof Land, Toward a Moment of Reckoning: Understanding the History of Local and National Racial Violence
December, 2020 - Dr. Dan Krieger and James Papp, Eto Park and Brook Street: A Living Testament to Communities Ravaged by Racial Intolerance and Segregation
March, 2021 - Pete Kelley, The Quick and the Dead: The Committee of Vigilance and the violence of 1858
September, 2020 - Dr. Leola Macmilland and Geof Land, Toward a Moment of Reckoning: Understanding the History of Local and National Racial Violence
December, 2020 - Dr. Dan Krieger and James Papp, Eto Park and Brook Street: A Living Testament to Communities Ravaged by Racial Intolerance and Segregation
March, 2021 - Pete Kelley, The Quick and the Dead: The Committee of Vigilance and the violence of 1858